When you are looking to care for your skin, you will certainly want to use skin care products that are all natural and contain no additives or fillers. Natural skin care products are not just a fad. All natural skin care products, contain ingredients that are derived from plants and other natural occurring substances that are most often packed full of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are more easily absorbed into your skin, than other chemical filled products. Using all natural and plant based products, will ensure that you know exactly what ingredients you are putting on to your skin, and what is being absorbed into your body. Soo many people forget that your skin is your LARGEST ORGAN, and they forget that every single ingredient that you apply to your skin, is actually absorbed in to your body within minutes. In order to prevent using any unknown, dangerous and chemical filled products, or any unnecessary additives and fillers, then I highly recommend you try the doTERRA Verage Skin Care Line.
Using Verage Skin Care Line Products
The Veráge Skin Care Line is a system of natural skin care products, made exclusively by doTERRA. The line of products help to nourish and hydrate your skin, and has been shown to help reduce the visible signs of aging. This line of skin care products uses such an array of plant based materials, that Verage has been found to have the same balance in their products, as the balance that is found in healthy, youthful-looking skin. Each Verage product is composed of true gifts from the Earth: nourishing plant extracts, pure and potent CPTG® essential oils, and other select natural ingredients. The dōTERRA Veráge Skin Care Collection delivers results you can see and feel, naturally. And isn't that what we all want? All natural, chemical free, healthy skin care products!

Harnessing powerful plant extracts and CPTG essential oils, the Veráge Skin Care Line provides your skin with everything it needs. Verage uses the highest of standards found in the doTERRA CPTG essential oils, meaning that the ingredients used in Veráge are of the highest quality and purity. Each product in the Veráge system contains plant extracts that have been extensively researched and shown to promote youthful-looking skin. Veráge has been scientifically formulated to provide a natural and effective system that can bring your skin back to life. Using Veráge daily will promote a smooth, resilient, glowing complexion. So don't miss out on that beautiful skin. Get your Verage Skin Care Line of products today!